Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Analysing Case Study 1: Lucozade Sport

I believe the target audience for this product is mainly adolescent males, or people who are interests in sports as whole. I have made this conclusion as the colour blue is very dominant within the ad, which suggests it is produced to target the male population; the fact they have used Gareth Bale who is a World Class Footballer, also suggests it was produced for a male audience. In order to target females they would possibly use a female sports star, and a more traditional, stereotypical feminine colour, like pink.

Gareth Bale is the footballer that can be seen in the advertisement. Gareth Bale is a World Class Footballer who currently plays for one of the biggest teams in the world, Real Madrid. The reasoning behind using Gareth Bale for this advertisement is to send the viewer the message that if they drink Lucozade Sport they will end up like Gareth Bale; as he is the best and he will only drink the best.

They have used a mid-close up of Bale; in this shot he seems to look incredibly focused.
Their colour scheme is yellow and blue, this then immediately makes connections between their brand and this advertisement. Blue and yellow themselves are quite refreshing colours and they suggest that the product is natural.
The copy/ slogan “in a different league” suggests that as soon as you drink Lucozade, you will be like Bale, as he is incredibly good at football that he himself is considered to be in a different league.
Aspects of mis-en-scene that are used is the fact that Bale looks as though he is sweating, suggesting it is either half-time or a game has just ended and he is using Lucozade to re-energize. However, despite this he still looks quite good; his hair isn’t all over the place.

Lucozade itself is being represented in this advertisement as something that is the best in the market, as people like Gareth Bale, World Class Athletes choose it to re-energize. This suggests that only the best of athletes drink Lucozade Sport, therefore, if the viewer chooses to drink Lucozade Sport, they will be just like a World Class Athlete.

Bale is also being represented in this advertisement; the shot of Bale makes him look incredibly stern and focused. Also the fact the target audience will know who he is, as he is an incredibly popular Footballer, they will know the skill which he plays every game with; therefore, most people will look up to him and idolize him; the fact he uses Lucozade will mean they will start using it also.

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